Me Dominique Zaurinni

Me Dominique Zaurrini obtained his law degree at the University of Montreal in 1969 and went on to be admitted to the Quebec Bar in 1970. He established his own law firm specialized in commercial and construction law in 1971.

His practice has brought him before all judicial authorities in Québec. In fact, some of the cases he has pleaded have set a precedent, namely those involving recourses based on the Code du Bureau des soumissions déposées du Québec (BSDQ).

In 1995, he obtained a certification from the Centre d’arbitrage commercial national et international du Québec. In 2002, Me Zaurrini participated in the implementation of the new Code de la construction. For that purpose, he gave the following construction law seminars:

  • The proposed amendments of the BSDQ Code;

  • The new « Code de construction du Québec ».

Me Zaurrini remains involved in the business and legal communities. He is a member of the Association des gens d’affaires et professionnels italo-canadiens du Québecand of the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec (CEGQ). From 1984 to 1986, he acted as president of the Chambre de commerce italienne du Québec. He also participated in the creation of the Fondation communautaire italo-canadienne du Québec. He is a member-governor of the Fondation du Barreau du Québec, of the Canadian Bar and of the Barreau de Laval.

  • French, English and Italian
